Top Alloy Steel Casting Manufacturer
The Uni Abex Advantages:
- HP Nb micro alloyed ( our proprietary alloy Thermalloy 64 micro) material specification for tubes and reducers.
- Analysis of trace elements for control of impurities
- Stress Rupture Testing from production batches.
- Testing of columnar and equiaxial grain distribution
- Eddy Current Testing of bored inner surface
- Reducer of Centrifugal Casting Process
- Wide range of Qualified and Approved welding procedures.
- Nearly 7000 reformers successfully supplied in past years.
- Excellent performance which exceeds the design life.
- Enlisted by Engineers India Ltd. as an approved manufacturer of reformer/catalyst tubes, statically cast Tube Sheets & Supports
Cast Parts & Assemblies for Refineries, Petrochemicals & Fertilizer Plants:
- Reformer Tubes/ catalyst Tube Assemblies
- Harp Assemblies
- Hot Collectors/Headers
- Tube Sheets
- Hangers & Brackets
- Plug Headers & Bends
- Centrifugally Cast Support Pipes
- Cold Cast Beams
- Ladder Supports
- Statically Cast Fittings