Cryogenic Impact Testing

Structural metals experience changes in their properties when they are cooled from room temperature to “subzero” temperature range. However, in arctic regions, where temperatures drop to as low as -70°C (-95°F), carbon steels become embrittled. To determine how a metal will exhibit mechanical properties at sub zero temperatures, Cryogenic Impact testing is performed on test piece.

A notch is made on the test piece and the same is chilled to sub zero temperatures using liquid Nitrogen (-321° F /-160° C) or liquid Helium (-452° F/-233° C) inside a cold box for a period of minimum 2 hours. It is then subjected to Impact test where the properties are ascertained based on the failure surface or deformation of the test piece.

UNI Abex offers in-house Cryogenic Impact Testing for materials intended for application in sub zero temperatures.

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